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综合能源系统运行与控制 Operation and control of integrated energy systems
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  长期从事电力系统运行调度、综合能源系统优化与控制、不确定性分析等领域的研究工作。已发表SCI/EI学术论文20余篇,其中SCI论文16篇。已主持国家自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等2项课题,参与10余项纵向及横向课题。获评IEEE Transactions on Power System、IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 杰出审稿人奖。

[1] Yile Liang; Wei Wei; Cheng Wang. A Generalized Nash Equilibrium Approach for Autonomous Energy Management of Residential Energy Hubs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics: 2019/3, pp, 1-12: to be published.

[2] Ahmed, Rabee; Cheng, Wang; Tianshu, Bi. Resilient Operational Strategies for Power Systems Considering the Interactions with Natural Gas Systems. Applied Energy: 2019/3, 241, 548-566.

[3] Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, Tianshu Bi. Convex Optimization Based Adjustable Robust Dispatch for Integrated Electric-Gas Systems Considering Gas Delivery Priority. Applied Energy: 2019/1, 99/pp, 1-16, to be published.

[4] Cao, Yang; Wei, Wei; Wang, Cheng; Mei, Shengwei; Huang, Shaowei; Zhang, Xuemin. Probabilistic Estimation of Wind Power Ramp Events: A Data-driven Optimization Approach. IEEE Access: 2019/2, 7, 23261-23269.

[5] Cheng Wang; Rui Gao; Wei, Wei; Shafie-khah Miadreza; Tianshu Bi; Joao P. S. Catalao. Risk-based Distributionally Robust Optimal Gas-Power Flow With Wasserstein Distance. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2018/12, 34/3, 2190-2204.

[6] Cheng Wang; Rui Gao; Feng Qiu; Jianhui Wang; Linwei Xin. Risk-Based Distributionally Robust Optimal Power Flow With Dynamic Line Rating. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2018/6, 33/6, 6074 - 6086.

[7] Cheng Wang; Wei Wei; Jianhui Wang; Lei Wu; Yile Liang. Equilibrium of Interdependent Gas and Electricity Markets with Marginal Price Based Bilateral Energy Trading. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2018, 33/5, 4854-4867.

[8] Cheng Wang; Wei Wei; Jianhui Wang; Linquan Bai; Tianshu Bi; Yile Liang. Convex Optimization Based Distributed Optimal Gas-Power Flow Calculation. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy: 2018, 9/3, 1145-1156.

[9] Cheng Wang; Wei Wei; Jianhui Wang; Feng Liu; Shengwei Mei. Strategic Offering and Equilibrium in Coupled Gas and Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2018, 33/1, 290-309.

[10] Cheng Wang; Wei Wei; Jianhui Wang; Feng Liu; Feng Qiu; Carlos M. Correa-Posada; Shengwei Mei. Robust Defense Strategy for Gas-Electric Systems Against Malicious Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2017, 32/4, 2953-2965.

[11] Cheng Wang; Feng Liu; Jianhui Wang; Feng Qiu; Wei Wei; Shengwei Mei; Shunbo Lei. Robust Risk-Constrained Unit Commitment with Large-scale Wind Generation: An Adjustable Uncertainty Set Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2017, 32/1, 723-733.

[12] Cheng Wang; Feng Liu; Jianhui Wang; Wei Wei; Shengwei Mei. Risk-Based Admissibility Assessment of Wind Generation Integrated into a Bulk Power System. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy: 2016, 7/1, 325-336.

[13] Jian Zhao; Jianhui Wang; Zhao Xu; Cheng Wang; Jiayong Li. Robust Distributed Generation Investment Accommodating Electric Vehicle Charging in a Distribution Network. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2018, 33/5, 4654-4666.

[14] Chuan He; Lei Wu; Tianqi Liu; Wei Wei; Cheng Wang. Co-optimization scheduling of interdependent power and gas systems with electricity and gas uncertainties. Energy: 2018, 159, 1003-1015.

[15] Yile Liang; Feng Liu; Cheng Wang; Shengwei Mei. Distributed demand-side energy management scheme in residential smart grids: An ordinal state-based potential game approach. Applied Energy: 2017, 206, 991-1008.

[16] Jian Zhao; Jianhui Wang; Zhao Xu; Cheng Wang; Can Wan; Chen Chen. Distribution Network Electric Vehicle Hosting Capacity Maximization: A Chargeable Region Optimization Model. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 2017, 32/5, 4119-4130.
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