1. 重庆大学大学高电压与绝缘技术专业本科、硕士(1984年9月-1991年7月)
Bachelor, Master in High Voltage and Insulation Technology, Chongqing University (1984.9-1991.7)
2. 华北电力大学讲师(1996年7月-2003年11月)
Lecturer in North China Electric Power University (1996.7-2003.11)
3. 华北电力大学副教授(2003年11月-2009年3月)
Associate professor in North China Electric Power University (2003.11-2009.3)
4. 华北电力大学教授(2009.3-至今)
Professor in North China Electric Power University (2009.3-now)
1. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),环境友好混合气体绝缘介质及固气界面电荷的动力学过程和消散方法,2014年1月至2018年12月,经费额度559万。
National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), Environmentally friendly mixed gas insulating medium and dynamic process and dissipation method of solid-gas interface charge, 2014.1-2018.12, the amount of funds is 5.59 million.
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,液氦、液氮温区真空及低气压放电特性研究,2013年1月至2016年12月,经费额度98万。
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on the discharge properties in vacuum or low pressure circumstances under LHe and LN2 temperature, 2013.1-2016.12, the amount of funds is 0.98 million.
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,航空航天装备绝缘系统在极端环境中的多因素协同老化特性及机理,2016年1月至2019年12月,经费额度76万。
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ageing Characteristics and Mechanism of Insulation Systems for Aerospace Equipment under Extremely Severe Environment with Multi-factor Cooperative Stress, 2016.1-2019.12, the amount of funds is 0.76 million.
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,VFTO作用下GIS中环氧复合材料的空间电荷特性及其效应和调控,2019年1月至2022年12月,经费额度65万。
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Space charge characteristics and its effect and modification of epoxy composites in GIS under VFTO, 2019.1-2022.12, the amount of funds is 0.65 million.
5. 国家重点研发计划,1000kV环保管道输电系统研制与运维技术,2017年7月至2020年7月,经费额度185万。
National Key Research and Development Program, Development, Operation and Maintenance Technology of 1000kV Environmental Protection Pipeline Transmission System, 2017.7-2020.7, the amount of funds is 1.85 million.
6. 国家自然科学基金科学仪器基础研究专项基金项目,聚合物固体介质空间电荷和陷阱能态密度测试仪器研制,2014年1月至2017年12月,经费额度70万。
Special Fund for Scientific Instrument Basic Research in the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Development of Key Instrument of Space charge and Defect Energy State Characterization in Polymer Based Solid Dielectric, 2014.1-2017.12, the amount of funds is 0.7 million.
7. ITER国家磁约束核聚变能研究专项《先进高场磁体及低温特性研究》,Nb3Al高场磁体低温绝缘系统及绝缘材料研究,2011年12月至2015年12月,经费额度63.84万。
National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program “Research on advanced high field magnets and its low temperature characteristics”, Research on Low Temperature Insulation System of Nb3Al High Field Magnet and its Insulation Material, 2011.12-2015.12, the amount of funds is 0.6384 million.
1. 黑龙江省人民政府,2017.10.2,科学技术奖,三等奖,第四完成人。
Heilongjiang People's Government, 2017.10.2, Science and technology award, the third prize, the fourth complete author.
2. 广东省人民政府,2016.2.1,广东省科学技术奖,三等奖,第四完成人。
Guangdong Provincial People's Government, 2016.2.1, Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province, the third prize, the fourth complete author.
[1] 王伟,屠幼萍,高电压技术、机械工业出版社,2011
Wei Wang, Youping Tu. High Voltage Technology. China Machine Press, 2011.
[2] Youping Tu*, Chengqian Yi, Shaohe Wang, Sichen Qin, Zhikang Yuan and Linzhen Fan. Effect of temperature on polyimide dc flashover characteristics in different vacuum degrees[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(30). (SCI)
[3] Sichen Qin, Youping Tu*, Bingying Chen, Duohu Xu, Chuanyang Li and Tian Tan. Dynamic conductivity of polymer dielectrics under time-varying temperature field[J]. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12(7). (SCI)
[4] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Han Jiang, Cheng Wang and Cong Wang. Study on heating mechanism of GRP rod in a composite insulator[J]. IET Science Measurement & Technology, 2019, 13(1): 108-113. (SCI)
[5] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Yongfei Zhao, Han Jiang and Cong Wang. Degradation Behavior and Aging Mechanism of Decay-like Fractured GRP Rod in Composite Insulator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(3): 1027-1034. (SCI)
[6] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Yinan Jiang, Rui Shen and Cong Wang. Dielectric loss prediction of silicone rubber after moisture absorption under AC corona[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(3). (SCI)
[7] Youping Tu*, Yi Cheng, Cong Wang, Xin Ai, Fuwen Zhou and Geng Chen. Insulation Characteristics of Fluoronitriles/CO2 Gas Mixture under DC Electric Field[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(4): 1324-1331. (SCI)
[8] Youping Tu*, Fuwen Zhou, Yi Cheng, Han Jiang, Cong Wang, Fujun Bai and Jun Lin. The Control Mechanism of Micron and Nano SiO2/Epoxy Composite Coating on Surface Charge in Epoxy Resin[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(4): 1275-1284. (SCI)
[9] Youping Tu*, Fuwen Zhou, Han Jiang, Fujun Bai, Cong Wang, Jun Lin and Yi Cheng. Effect of Nano-TiO2/EP Composite Coating on Dynamic Characteristics of Surface Charge in Epoxy Resin[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(4): 1308-1317. (SCI)
[10] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Cong Wang, Sichen Qin and Geng Chen. Research on Liquefaction Characteristics of SF6 Substitute Gases[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 13(6): 2545-2552. (SCI)
[11] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Cong Wang, Dong Liang and Yinan Jiang. Study on artificial multi-stress ageing characteristics of composite insulators[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(16): 3862-3866. (SCI)
[12] Sichen Qin, Youping Tu*, Tian Tan, Shaohe Wang, Zhikang Yuan, Cong Wang, Laifeng Li and Zhixiong Wu. The effects of gamma-ray on charging behaviour using polyimide[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(24). (SCI)
[13] Shaohe Wang, Youping Tu*, Linzhen Fan, Chengqian Yi, Zhixiong Wu and Laifeng Li. Space charge dynamic of irradiated cyanate ester/epoxy at cryogenic temperatures[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(10). (SCI)
[14] Cong Wang, Yi Cheng, Youping Tu*, Geng Chen, Zhikang Yuan, Ang Xiao, John Ownes, Agnes Zhang and Nathan Mi. Characteristics of C3F7CN/CO2 as an Alternative to SF6 in HVDC-GIL Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(4): 1351-1356. (SCI)
[15] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Yongfei Zhao, Han Jiang and Cong Wang. Analysis on Heat Source of Abnormal Temperature Rise of Composite Insulator Housings[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(6): 3578-3585. (SCI)
[16] Youping Tu*, Bo Gong, Zhikang Yuan, Cong Wang, Zhuo Xu, Ruihai Li and Fuzeng Zhang. Moisture Induced Local Heating of Overhead Line Composite Insulators[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(1): 483-489. (SCI)
[17] Shaohe Wang, Youping Tu*, Shuo Xu, Sichen Qin, Zhixiong Wu and Laifeng Li. Electrical performance of TGPAP and DGEBF-based epoxy resin insulation materials for superconducting magnets[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 125: 118-122. (SCI)
[18] Sichen Qin, Youping Tu*, Shaohe Wang, Yi Cheng, Bingying Chen, Cong Wang and Yi Zhang. Accelerated Aging of Fast Thermal Cycle Effects on the behavior of Space Charge in Polyimide[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(5): 3182-3190. (SCI)
[19] Shaohe Wang, Shan Luo, Youping Tu*, Cong Wang and Sichen Qin. Effect of Polarity Reversal on Space Charge Properties of CB/LDPE Composite under DC Field[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(3):1349-1354. (SCI)
[20] Shan Luo, Shaohe Wang, Youping Tu*, Cong Wang and Sichen Qin. Direct Current Electrical Characteristics of Nano-CB/LDPE Composite[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(3):1390-1395. (SCI)
[21] Youping Tu*, Jingjing Chen, Shaohe Wang and Wei Wang. Moisture Migration in Oil-impregnated Film Insulation under Thermal Ageing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(2): 1135-1141. (SCI)
[22] Zhikang Yuan, Youping Tu*, Cong Wang, Yanxing Zhao and Xueqiang Dong. Experimental research on (vapor plus liquid) equilibria for the {trifluoroiodomethane (CF3I) + carbon dioxide (CO2)} system from 243.150 to 273.150 K[J]. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 101: 49-53. (SCI)
[23] Cong Wang*, Youping Tu, Yan Luo, Sichen Qin, Fuwen Zhou and Zhikang Yuan. Insulation Performance of Environmentally Friendly Gas Applied to HVDC-GIL[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(24): 6711-6716.
[24] Cong Wang*, Tianfu Li, Youping Tu, Zhikang Yuan, Ruihai Li, Fuzeng Zhang and Bo Gong. Heating phenomenon in unclean composite insulators[J]. Engineering failure analysis, 2016, 65: 48-56.
[25] Youping Tu*, Bo Gong, Cong Wang, Kangtai Xu, Zhuo Xu, Shaohe Wang, Fuzeng Zhang and Ruihai Li. Effect of Moisture on Temperature Rise of Composite Insulators Operating in Power System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(4): 2207-2213. (SCI)
[26] Yiyang Zhou, Youping Tu*, Dinghua Liu, Jingjing Chen, Cong Wang, Ruihai Li, Fuzeng Zhang, Lifeng Zou and Qingjun Peng. Aging Characteristic at Different Depths in a Single Composite Insulators Shed[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(3): 1630-1635. (SCI)
[27] Youping Tu*, Zhikang Yuan, Bing Luo, Cong Wang, Xiangjun Zeng and Xueqiang Dong. Calculation on Dew Temperatures of Binary Gas Mixtures SF6/N2 and SF6/CO2 Under 0.4~0.8 MPa Gas Pressures[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2015, 41(5): 1446-1450. (SCI)
[28] Youping Tu*, Hui Zhang, Zhuo Xu, Jingjing Chen and Conghui Chen. Influences of Electric-Field Distribution Along the String on the Aging of Composite Insulators[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(3): 1865-1871. (SCI)
[29] Youping Tu*, Zenghui Zheng, Xiao Li, Qian Wang and Meixin Luo. Grain-Boundary and Thermally Stimulated Current Characteristics of Y2O3-Doped ZnO Varistor[J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(11): 3518-3522. (SCI)
[30] Youping Tu*, Zenghui Zheng and Xiao Li. AC ageing characteristics of Co-doped ZnO varistors[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(6): 1354-1360. (SCI)
[31] Youping Tu*, Qian Wang, Jie He, Xiao Li and Lijian Ding. TSC characteristics of AC aged ZnO varistors[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(3): 677-682. (SCI)
[32] Qian Wang, Youping Tu*, Lijian Ding and Zeli Ju. Relationship between space charge and nonlinear characteristics of ZnO varistor[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(7): 1771-1778. (SCI)
[33] Youping Tu*, Chunxia Zhang, Jun Hu, Shunchao Wang, Wei Sun and Hongjun Li. Research on lightning overvoltages of solar arrays in a rooftop photovoltaic power system[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2013, 94: 10-15.
[34] 王璁,张颖,艾昕,屠幼萍*,刘伟,颜湘莲.不均匀电场中C_3F_7CN/CO_2混合气体直流局部放电特性[J].高电压技术,2019,45(04):1048-1055. (EI)
Cong Wang, Ying Zhang, Xin Ai, Youping Tu*, Wei Liu and Xianglian Yan. DC Partial Discharge Characteristics of C3F7CN/CO2 Gas Mixtures Under Non-uniform Electric Field[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2019, 5(04): 1048-1055. (EI)
[35] 周福文,王梦丹,屠幼萍*,艾昕,王璁,袁之康.纳米SiO_2/硅橡胶复合材料的陷阱特性[J].高电压技术,2018,44(08):2687-2694. (EI)
Fuwen Zhou, Mengdan Wang, Youping Tu*, Xin Ai, Cong Wang and Zhikang Yuan. Trap Characteristics of Nano SiO2/Silicone Rubber Composite[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2018, 44(08): 2687-2694. (EI)
[36] 王劭鹤,屠幼萍*,樊林禛,秦司晨,李来风,吴智雄.γ射线辐照对氰酸酯-环氧树脂材料低温电气性能的影响[J].中国电机工程学报,2018,38(09):2815-2820+2852. (EI)
Shaohe Wang, Youping Tu*, Linzhen Fan, Sichen Qin, Laifeng Li and Zhixiong Wu. γ Irradiation Effects on Electric Properties of Cyanate-ester Epoxy at Cryogenic Temperatures[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2018, 38(09): 2815-2820+2852. (EI)
[37] 屠幼萍*,袁之康,罗兵,王璁,曾向军,董学强.0.4~0.8MPa气压下二元混合气体SF_6/N_2和SF_6/CO_2露点温度计算[J].高电压技术,2015,41(05):1446-1450. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Zhikang Yuan, Bing Luo, Cong Wang, Xiangjun Zeng and Xueqiang Dong. Calculation on Dew Temperatures of Binary Gas Mixtures SF6/N2 and SF6/CO2 Under 0.4~0.8 MPa Gas Pressures[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2015, 41(05): 1446-1450. (EI)
[38] 屠幼萍*,孙佑飞,彭庆军,王璁,龚博,陈先富.雾霾环境下自然积污绝缘子的污秽颗粒粒径分布特性[J].高电压技术,2014,40(11):3318-3326. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Youfei Sun, Qingjun Peng, Cong Wang, Bo Gong and Xianfu Chen. Particle Size Distribution Characteristics of Naturally Polluted Insulators Under the Fog-haze Environment[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2014,40(11):3318-3326. (EI)
[39] 屠幼萍*,郑增辉,李晓.Co掺杂调控ZnO压敏电阻交流老化特性[J].中国科学:技术科学,2013,43(07):793-800. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Zenghui Zheng and Xiao Li. AC ageing characteristics of Co-doped ZnO varistors[J]. Sci China Tech Sci, 2013, 43(07):793-800. (EI)
[40] 屠幼萍*,陈静静,许卓,张福增,李锐海,张辉.长期运行复合绝缘子憎水性的非均匀变化特性[J].高电压技术,2013,39(06):1469-1475. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Jingjing Chen, Zhuo Xu, Fuzeng Zhang, Ruihai Li and Hui Zhang. Uneven Change Characteristic of Composite Insulators Hydrophobicity in Long-time Service[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2013,39(06):1469-1475. (EI)
[41] 屠幼萍*,王倩,何洁,李晓,丁立健.ZnO压敏电阻交流老化TSC特性[J].中国科学:技术科学,2013,43(03):241-246. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Qian Wang, Jie He, Xiao Li and Lijian Ding. TSC characteristics of AC aged ZnO varistor[J]. Sci China Tech Sci, 2013, 43(03): 241-246. (EI)
[42] 屠幼萍*,孙伟忠,岳彩鹏,王伟,陈广辉.固体绝缘材料热老化电气特性的研究[J].电工技术学报,2013,28(01):7-13. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Weizhong Sun, Caipeng Yue, Wei Wang and Guanghui Chen. Research on Thermal Aging Electrical Properties of Polymer Materials[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(01): 7-13. (EI)
[43] 屠幼萍*,王倩,李敏,丁立健.臭氧浓度对HTV硅橡胶材料的老化作用[J].电工技术学报,2013,28(01):21-28. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Qian Wang, Min Li and Lijian Ding. Influence of Ozone Concentration on Deterioration of HTV Silicon Rubber[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013,28(01):21-28. (EI)
[44] 屠幼萍*,谭荣,张贵峰,王璁,张皓.聚酰亚胺在低温真空环境下的直流电气特性[J].中国电机工程学报,2013,33(04):194-200+26. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Rong Tan, Guifeng Zhang, Cong Wang and Hao Zhang. DC Electrical Characteristics of Polyimide at Cryogenic Temperature in Vacuum[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2013, 33(04): 194-200+26. (EI)
[45] 屠幼萍*,陈聪慧,佟宇梁,张辉,卢毅,谢丽芳.现场运行复合绝缘子伞裙材料的老化判断方法[J].高电压技术,2012,38(10):2522-2527. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Conghui Chen, Yuliang Tong, Hui Zhang, Yi Lu and Lifang Xie. Aging Characteristics of Shed Materials of Silicone Rubber Composite Insulators in Service[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2012, 38(10): 2522-2527. (EI)
[46] 张辉,屠幼萍*,佟宇梁,李庆峰,邓桃.基于TSC测试的硅橡胶复合绝缘子伞裙材料老化特性研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2012,32(19):169-174+201. (EI)
Hui Zhang, Youping Tu*, Yuliang Tong, Qingfeng Li and Tao Deng. Study on Aging Characteristics of Silicone Rubber Sheds of Composite Insulators Based on TSC Test[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2012,32(19):169-174+201. (EI)
[47] 李旭东,周伟,屠幼萍*,张贵峰,王璁.0.1~0.25MPa气压下二元混合气体SF_6-N_2和SF_6-CO_2的击穿特性[J].电网技术,2012,36(04):260-264. (EI)
Xudong Li, Wei Zhou, Youping Tu*, Guifeng Zhang and Cong Wang. Breakdown Characteristics of Binary Gas Mixtures SF6-N2 and SF6-CO2 Under 0.1~0.25 MPa Atmosphere Pressures[J]. Power System Technology, 2012, 36(04): 260-264. (EI)
[48] 屠幼萍*,罗梅馨,应高峰,丁立健.硅橡胶电晕老化热刺激电流特性的正交试验研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2012,32(07):139-144+202. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Meixin Luo, Gaofeng Ying and Lijian Ding. Research on TSC Characteristics of Corona Aging of Silicone Rubber With Orthogonal Test Method[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2012,32(07):139-144+202. (EI)
[49] 张春霞,孙伟忠,屠幼萍*,陆宇航.隔离开关不完全合闸引起的电缆护层过电压分析[J].高电压技术,2011,37(10):2498-2505. (EI)
Chunxia Zhang, Weizhong Sun, Youping Tu* and Yuhang Lu. Analysis of Cable Sheath Overvoltage Due to Not Completely Closing of GIS Disconnector[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2011, 37(10): 2498-2505. (EI)
[50] 王倩,屠幼萍*,丁立健,琚泽立.氧化锌压敏电阻空间电荷与非线性特性的关系[J].中国科学:技术科学,2011,41(08):1128-1134. (EI)
Qian Wang, Youping Tu*, Lijian Ding and Zeli Ju. Relationship between space charge and nonlinear characteristics of ZnO varistor[J]. Sci China Tech Sci, 2011, 41(08): 1128-1134. (EI)
[51] 屠幼萍*,佟宇梁,王倩,李敏.湿度对HTV硅橡胶臭氧老化特性的影响[J].高电压技术,2011,37(04):841-847. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Yuliang Tong, Qian Wang and Min Li. Influence of Humidity on Ozone Aging Performance of HTV Silicon Rubber[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2011, 37(04): 841-847. (EI)
[52] 屠幼萍*,何洁,王倩,刘美,徐光亮,丁立健.氧化锌压敏电阻片的热刺激电流测试研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2010,30(33):116-121. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Jie He, Qian Wang, Mei Liu, Guangliang Xu and Lijian Ding. Measurement of Thermally Stimulated Current in ZnO Varistor[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2010,30(33):116-121. (EI)
[53] 施荣,屠幼萍*,张媛媛,王倩.避雷器改善35kV配电线路耐雷水平的效果分析[J].电网技术,2006(19):92-96. (EI)
Rong Shi, Youping Tu*, Yuanyuan Zhang and Qian Wang. Analysis on Effect of Improving Lightning Withstand Level of 35kV Transmission Line by MOAs as Line Surge Arrester[J]. Power System Technology, 2006(19) :92-96. (EI)
[54] 屠幼萍*,何金良,廖冬梅.ZnO避雷器运行状况的判断方法[J].高电压技术,2000(01):22-23+26. (EI)
Youping Tu*, Jinliang He and Dongmei Liao. Diagnosis Methods of Operation Condition of ZnO Surge Arrsters[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2000(01): 22-23+26. (EI)
[1] 基于SST的测量设备,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,2016104402493,2019.02.12
Measuring equipment based on SST, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 2016104402493, 2019.02.12.
[2] 绝缘子界面质量的检测方法、装置及系统,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201610429817.X,2018.04.06
Detecting method, device and system of insulator interface quality, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201610429817.X,2018.04.06
[3] 一种复合绝缘子老化状态预测方法,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201610149966.0,2018.08.28.
Composite insulator aging state prediction method, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201610149966.0, 2018.08.28.
[4] 基于热刺激电流特性的复合绝缘子人工老化试验评估方法,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201510958923.2,2018.04.10
Artificial insulation test evaluation method for composite insulator based on thermal stimulation current characteristics, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201510958923.2, 2018.04.10.
[5] 基于吸湿性与介电特性的复合绝缘子老化状态评价方法,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201510958583.3,2018.0525
Evaluation method of aging state of composite insulator based on hygroscopicity and dielectric property, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201510958583.3, 2018.0525.
[6] 绝缘子检测方法和装置,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201310577356.7,2015.0617
Insulator detection method and device, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201310577356.7, 2015.0617.
[7] 超导绝缘材料电气特性测试装置,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201210440210.3,2015.06.24
Testing device of superconducting insulation material electrical characteristic testing device, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201210440210.3, 2015.06.24.
[8] 复合绝缘子芯棒老化的判断方法,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201210167361.6,2015.04.15
Judging method for aging of composite insulator core rod, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201210167361.6, 2015.04.15.
[9] 复合绝缘子伞裙老化的判断方法,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201210020472.4,2014.05.21
Judging method for aging of composite insulator umbrella skirt, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201210020472.4, 2014.05.21.
[10] 可测传导电流的PEA空间电荷测试装置,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,200910237694.X,2011.06.08
PEA space charge test device capable of measuring conduction current, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 200910237694.X, 2011.06.08.
[11] 温度可控的PEA空间电荷测量装置,中国,发明专利,华北电力大学,201010216866.8,2013.01.25
Temperature controllable PEA space charge measuring device, China, patent of invention, North China Electric Power University, 201010216866.8, 2013.01.25.
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