中文版 English 大学主页
电话:010-61771542邮箱:lxb08357x@ncepu.edu.cn, lxb08357x@163.com
1.先进输电技术(Advanced Power Transmission Technology)

2.大功率电力电子器件(High Power Electronic Devices)
  1. 个人简介及主要荣誉称号
  2. 教学与人才培养情况
  3. 主要科研项目情况
  4. 主要获奖
  5. 代表性论著
  李学宝,男,1988年4月生。分别于2011年6月和2016年6月在华北电力大学获学士学位和博士学位。2016年7月在华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院工作,2019年4月被聘为副教授。担任《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》期刊青年编委。

  主要从事电力系统电磁环境、大功率电力电子器件封装的研究工作,揭示了交直流电晕放电可听噪声产生机理及与电晕放电的关联关系,研究了高压大功率电力电子器件封装用绝缘材料的放电特性,提出了封装绝缘改进方法,应用于IGBT器件样机的研制;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持多个国家电网公司横向项目,参与国家重点研发计划课题2项、国家自然科学基金重点项目2项。以第一/通讯作者发表论文50余篇,其中在IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery、IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation、IET Power Electronics等权威期刊发表SCI检索论文18篇,申请国家发明专利授权10余项,获省部级一等奖1项。





  联合指导毕业硕士: 李大勇,汪晶,李隐飞

3. 学生获得荣誉


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51377096,交流电晕放电可听噪声的声源时域模型与计算方法研究,2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会-国家电网公司智能电网联合基金,压接型IGBT器件封装的多物理场相互作用机制(U1766219),2018/01-2021/12,主研。

3. 国家重点研发计划课题,500kV直流断路器半导体组件规模化成组关键技术,2017/07- 2020/6,课题联系人。

4. 陕西省电力科学研究院项目,交直流混合架设线路导线布置方式优化研究,2017.1-2017.12,主持。

5. 冀北电力科学研究院项目,±500kV柔性直流变电站阀厅动态电磁环境仿真,2018/10-2019/06,主持。
1. 中国电机工程学会,交流输电系统电磁环境控制技术及应用,2019年度中国电力科学技术进步奖一等奖,个人排名12/15。
[1] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Di Zhang, Yang Liu. Time-domain characteristics of the audible noise generated by single corona source under positive voltage [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(2): 870-878. (SCI)

[2] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Yang Liu, Di Zhang and Zhenguo Wang. The correlation between audible noise and corona current in time domain caused by single positive corona source on the conductor [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(2): 1314-1320. (SCI)

[3] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Zhenguo Wang, Di Zhang, Wenzuo Ma. Statistical characteristics and stochastic model of DC corona-generated sound pressure pulses from single corona source [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(5): 2898-2906 (SCI)

[4] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Yongzan Zhen, Tiebing Lu, Zhaonan Luo, Chao Fang, Xiangxian Zhou. The ionized fields and the ion current on a human model under ±800kV HVDC transmission lines [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2012, 27(4): 2141-2149. (SCI)

[5] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Donglai Wang, Wenzuo Ma, and Xingming Bian. Comparison of the audible noise from single corona source under DC and AC corona discharge [J]. CSEE Journal of Power Energy and Systems,2015,1(3):53-60. (SCI)

[6] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Wenzuo Ma, Xingming Bian, Donglai Wang, Huseyin Hiziroglu. Statistical characteristic in time-domain of DC corona-generated audible noise from conductor in corona cage [J]. Physics of Plasmas,2016,23(3): 0335031-10. (SCI)

[7] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Dayong Li, Bo Chen, and Yuke Fu. Influence of the air pressure on the detail characteristics of corona current pulses [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23(12), 123516. (SCI)

[8] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, and Donglai Wang. Propagation characteristics of audible noise generated by single corona source under positive DC voltage [J]. AIP Advances, 2017, 10(7), 105005. (SCI)

[9] Xuebao Li, Dayong Li, Bo Chen, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, and Yinfei Li. Measurement and analysis of time-domain characteristics of corona-generated radio interference from a single positive corona source [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2018, 4(25), 043510. (SCI)

[10] Xuebao Li, Jing Wang, Yinfei Li, Qian Zhang, Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui. Correlation between audible noise and corona current generated by AC corona discharge in time and frequency domains [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2018, 25(6): 063512 . (SCI)

[11] Xuebao Li, Dayong LI, Qian ZHANG, Yinfei LI, Xiang CUI and Tiebing LU. The detailed characteristics of positive corona current pulses in the line-to-plane electrodes [J]. Plasma Science & Technology,2018, 20(5): 054014. (SCI)

[12] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Jing Wang, H. R. Hiziroglu. Experimental Study on Spectral Characteristics of Corona-Generated Audible Noise From a DC Conductor [J]. IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 2018, 46(10): 3690-3699. (SCI)

[13] Xuebao Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu, Donglai Wang, Renhua Peng, Xingming Bian. Experimental investigation on correlation of corona-induced vibration and audible noise from DC conductor. High Voltage, 2016, 1(3): 115-121. (SCI)

[14] Xuebao Li, Jing Wang, Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui. Statistical analysis of audible noise generated by AC corona discharge from single corona sources [J]. High Voltage, 2018, 3(3): 207 – 216. (SCI)

[15] Donglai Wang, Tiebing Lu, Yuan Wang, Bo Chen, Xuebao Li #. Measurement of surface charges on the dielectric film based on field mills under the HVDC corona wire[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(5): 054008. (SCI)

[16] Pengyu Fu, Zhibin Zhao, Xuebao Li #, Xiang Cui, Zhuodong Yang. The role of time-lag in the surface discharge inception under positive repetitive pulse voltage [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 25, 093518. (SCI)

[17] Pengyu Fu, Zhibin Zhao, Xuebao Li #, Xiang Cui, Teng Wen, Zhuodong Yang, Shenyang Mo, Peng Zhang. PD measurement and analysis in press-pack IGBTs [J]. IET Power Electronics, 2019, 12(1): 138-146 (SCI)
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