中文版 English 大学主页
1. 电磁场数值计算(Numerical methods of electromagnetic fields)

2. 电力系统电磁环境和电磁兼容(Electromagnetic environment and electromagnetic compatibility in electric power system)
  1. 个人简介及主要荣誉称号
  2. 教学与人才培养情况
  3. 主要科研项目情况
  4. 主要获奖
  5. 代表性论著
1. 西安交通大学物理电子工程专业本科、硕士(1987年9月-1994年6月)

2. 华北电力大学电气工程专业博士(1997年9月-2002年4月)

3. 华北电力大学助教(1994年7月-1996年4月)

4. 华北电力大学讲师(1996年4月-2001年11月)

5. 瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(2001年3月-2001年6月)

6. 华北电力大学副教授(2001年12月-2007年6月)

7. 美国Clemson大学访问教授(2007年12月-2008年12月)

8. 华北电力大学教授(2007.7-至今)


1. 国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFB0900904),工程过电压绝缘配合与外绝缘及电磁环境技术,2016年7月-2020年6月,1350万元

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51577064),计及直流输电线路下介质薄膜的荷电特性影响的离子流场建模与计算方法研究,2016年1月-2019年12月,82.68万元

3. 国家电网公司科技项目,两回交叉跨越直流线路地面合成电场三维预测和控制技术研究,2018年1月-2020年12月,59万元

4. 国家电网公司科技项目,空中颗粒物对特高压直流线路地面合成电场影响基础研究,2014年1月-2016年12月,170万元

5. 国家自然基金面上项目(51177041),交直流并行导线电晕引起的无线电干扰的产生机理及分析模型研究,2012年1月-2015年12月,61万元


[1] Jian Zhang, Tiebing Lu, Weidong Zhang, Xingming Bian, Xiang Cui. Characteristics and Influence Factors of Radiated Disturbance Induced by IGBT Switching. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2913463

[2] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Cui Xiang, Xie Li, Zhao Luxing, Ju Yong, Lu Jiayu. Electric field calculation on residential houses near UHVDC lines using 3D reconstruction method. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2017.00540.

[3] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Hao Liming, Zhang Qian, Chen Bo, Li Xuebao. Calculation of ion-flow field near the crossing of HVdc transmission lines using equivalent corona conductors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2912904.

[4] Jian Zhang, Tiebing Lu, Weidong Zhang, Jun Xu, Wenqi Li. Measurement and Analysis of Radiated Disturbance Characteristics of ±320 kV Modular Multilevel Converter System. IEEE Access, 2019,7: DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891339

[5] Jian Zhang, Tiebing Lu, Weidong Zhang, Xiuwu Zhang, Yifan Hu. Calculation of RFI from valve hall in MMC-HVDC converter station. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2019, 59(2): 27-37

[6] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Chen Bo, Li Xuebao, Xie Li, Zhao Luxing, Ju Yong. Ion flow field distribution near the crossing of two circuit UHVDC transmission lines. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2019, 59(2): 407-415.

[7] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Li Xueshan, Chen Bo, Li Xuebao, Xie Li, Ju Yong. Simulation and analysis of human body micro-shocks in the ion flow field near HVDC transmission lines. Journal of Electrostatics, 2018, 93: 10-16.

[8] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Wang Yuan, Chen Bo, Li Xuebao. Measurement of surface charges on the dielectric film based on field mills under the HVDC corona wire. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(5): 054008.

[9] Wang Donglai, Lu Tiebing, Li Qinyuan, Chen Bo, Li Xuebao. 3-D electric field computation of steeple rooftop houses near HVDC transmission lines. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017, 53(6): 7205704.

[10] Yijia Zhu, Tiebing Lu, Xingming Bian, Donglai Wang, Xu Zhang, Jing Wang. The corona characteristics of HVDC conductors with different surface conditions obtained in a controllable accelerating contamination depositing apparatus. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(1): 382-390.

[11] Zhenguo Wang, Tiebing Lu, Yang Liu, Xingming Bian and Xuebao Li. Comparative study of two different measuring methods for corona current pulses. Journal of Electrostatics, 2017, 88:134-138

[12] Zhenguo Wang, Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui, Xuebao Li, and Huseyin Hiziroglu. Influence of AC Voltage on the Positive DC Corona Current Pulses in a Wire-cylinder Gap. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2016, 2(4): 58–65.

[13] Zhenguo Wang,Tiebing Lu,Xingming Bian,Huseyin R. Hiziroglu,Xuebao Li. Modulation effect produced by adjacent AC voltage on the characteristics of negative corona current pulses in a wire-cylinder electrode configuration. Journal of Electrostatics, 2016, 86:54-62

[14] Zhou Xiangxian, Lu Tiebing, Cui Xiang, Zhen Yongzan. Analysis of the Shielding Effect of Wire Mesh to Ion Flow Field from HVDC Transmission Lines. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50(2): 7002004

[15] Zhou Xiangxian, Lu Tiebing, Cui Xiang, Liu Yang, Li Xuebao. Simulation of Ion Flow Field at the Crossing of HVDC and HVAC Transmission Lines. IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 2012, 27(4): 2382~2389

[16] Xiangxian Zhou, Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui, Yongzan Zhen, Gang Liu. Simulation of Ion-flow Field using the Fully Coupled Upwind Finite-Element Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2012, 27(3): 1574–1582

[17] Tiebing Lu, Gaolin Xiong, Xiang Cui, Hong Rao, Qi Wang. Analysis of corona onset electric field considering the effect of space charges. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2011, 47(5): 1390-1393

[18] Tiebing Lu, Han Feng, Xiang Cui, Zhinbin Zhao, Lin Li. Analysis of the Ionized Field under HVDC Transmission Lines in the Presence of Wind Based on Upstream Finite Element Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010, 46(8):2919-2922.

[19] Tiebing Lu, Han Feng, Zhibin Zhao, Xiang Cui. Analysis of the Electric Field and Ion Current Density Under Ultra High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Lines Based on Finite Element Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2007, 43(4): 1221 - 1224.


[1] 一种高压导线粗糙系数的测量装置和方法,中国,发明专利,邹志龙、卢铁兵、崔翔、卞星明、李沁远,ZL201510686248.2,2018年1月

[2] 一种表面积污导线、可控的导线表面积污的方法及系统,中国,发明专利,祝艺嘉、卢铁兵、卞星明、汪晶、张旭、王东来,ZL201610439844.5,2018年10月
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