主要科研方向为先进输变电技术、电力系统电磁兼容。主持在研国家重点专项课题1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。主持完成国家科技支撑计划子课题1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,国家电网公司等企业横向课题多项。1998年11月获得河北省科技进步二等奖1项:2006年获得中国电力科技进步三等奖1项。合作出版学术专著2部,2016年1月由高等教育出版社出版《电磁场》教材1部。 在《IEEE Trans. On Mag》、《IEEE Trans. On PWD》、《IET Power Electronics》、《中国电机工程学报》、《电工技术学报》和《电波科学学报》等国际国内著名学术刊物发表SCI/EI论文70余篇。
毕业硕士: 焦超群、黄锐锋、左少峰、任鹏、纪锋、秦海波、齐秀君、韩莎、原辉、陈晨、郝俊琦、许磊、陈浩、杨小弟、郭晶、余志飞、王新伟、田聪、李安、张宁、彭丽丹、贺新营、隋天时、朱夏飞、张小颖、尹毅然、贾青、李磊、肖彩霞、张琳、马文雯、宋雅吾、王鑫、赵越、刘洁苇、王川陵、朱博、王勋、万琳、刘源、黄超……
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,高磁感低损纳米晶成分设计与大容量高频变压器设计技术,2017.7-2020.6,342万元。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型磁性材料磁化和损耗机理与高压大容量高频变压器精细化设计方法,2017.1-2020.12,59万元。
1. 河北省科技厅,1998年11月,河北省科技进步奖,二等, 6
2. 河北省教委,2003年6月,河北省教学名师奖
[1] 程志光、高升、李琳,工程涡流问题的分析与验证,高等教育出版社,2001年5月。
[2] 李琳、刘刚、赵小军、王平、纪锋、王帅兵、谢裕清,准静态电磁场数值分析方法,科学出版社,2019年5月。
1. Yan Weili ,Li Lin and Yang Qingxin, "Numerical Calculation of the Non-linear Dynamic Process in Electromagnetic Devices", IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.28, No.2, March 1992, pp1252-1254.
2. 李琳,颜威利,“电磁装置非线性动态过程的数值计算”,河北工学院学报,Vol.20, No.3, March, 1991.
3. 李琳,阎春生,刘建新,“并联铁心电抗器结构优化与噪音抑制”,华北电力学院学报,Vol.22, No.1, pp1-7,January, 1991.
4. 李琳, 崔翔, 苑津莎和程志光,“双表量磁位的表面阻抗法”,中国电机工程学报,Vol. 16, No.2, 1996, pp87-91.
5. Li Lin,Cui Xiang,Yanjinsha,Cheng Zhiguang,“Numerical Calculation of 3D Eddy Current Loss and Magnetic Field (Problem 21),Proceedings of the Fifth International TEAM Workshop,Berlin,Germany,July14,1995。
6. 李琳, 崔翔, “双表量磁位的表面阻抗法解的唯一性”,华北电力大学学报,Vol.23, No.3, pp1-6,July, 1996。
7. Li Lin and Cui Xiang ,"Analysis of 3D Nonlinear Eddy Current Problem Using the Field variables H and E Directly, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.33, No.2, March 1997, pp1179-1184.
8. Lin Li, Xiang Cui and Hanguang Shao, “Calculation of Hysteresis Loss in Steel Plate”, Proceedings of ICEF’96, Wuhan, China, International Academic Publishers, pp17-20, January 1997.
9. 颜威利,杨庆新,李琳,“电磁场耦合问题的数值解法研究”,电机与控制学报,Vol. 1, No.1, March, 1997, pp28-32.)
10. Li Lin and Cui Xiang ,"Losses Calculation in Transformer Tie Plate Using the Finite Element Method", IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.34, No.5, September 1998, pp3644-3647.
11. 李琳, 崔翔,张元录,程志光,“电力变压器三维漏磁场及铁心拉板涡流损耗的计算”, 中国电机工程学报,Vol. 19, No.6, 1999, pp33-36,51。
12. Li lin and Cui Xiang, “Treating of 3D impedance boundary using total scalar magnetic potential,” Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Germany, 1999.9.
13. 李琳,“薄板涡流问题的有限元法”, 华北电力大学学报,Vol.27, No.1, pp1-4,January, 2000。(“A New Finite Element Method of the Eddy Current Problem in Thin Conducting Plates”, Journal of North China Electric Power University,)
14. Li Lin,Xiang Cui,“Calculation of the 3D Eddy Current Distributions in Thin Conducting Plate Using H as State Variable”,Proceedings of the forth international conference on electromagnetic field problems and applications,September 18-20,2000,Tianjin,China。
15. 李琳,“对静电场唯一性定理的一点注记”,电气电子教学学报,Vol.21, No.1, March 1999, pp47-48。
16. Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui, Lin Li. Transient Analysis of Aerial Multi-conductor Transmission Lines with Branch, IEEE Trans. On Magn, vol.37, No.5,September, 2001.
17. Lin Li, Xiang Cui, Tiebing Lu and Haoliu Yin: Influence of Soil and Conductor of Ground Grid on Safety of the Grounding System, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.2, Washington, D. C., USA, August 2000, pp.675-679.
18. Xiang Cui, Lin Li, Tiebing Lu, Haoliu Yin: Analysis of the potential distribution generated by a direct lightning strike in a 500kV substation, Proceedings of the 14th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, February 2001.
19. Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, Lin Li. Analysis of earth structure using genetic algorithms at initial step, The 4th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications, Tianjin, China, September 2000.
20. Tiebing Lu, Xiang Cui, Haoliu Yin, Lin Li. Time-domain Analysis of Transient Electromagnetic Field Generated by Aerial Busbars above Lossy Soil,IEEE Trans. On Magn, pp773-776, March, 2002
21. Bo Zhang, Zhibin Zhao, Xiang Cui, Lin Li. Diagnosis of Breaks in Substation’s Grounding Grid by Using Electromagnetic Method,IEEE Trans. On Magn, pp473-476, March, 2002
21.李琳“对单位阶跃函数在一阶电路中用法的讨论”, 电气电子教学学报,Vol.23, No.4, 2001年8月, pp110-111。
24. 焦超群, 李琳,“电力电缆短路故障时通信线上感应电压的计算”,华北电力大学学报,2003年,3月。(第2期),pp25-29.
25.Chaoqun Jiao, Lin Li,“Analysis of shielding effectiveness of enclosure with an aperture Using FDTD method”, proceedings of the 2003 IEEE international symposium on EMC, may 11-16,2003, Istanbul, Turkey.
26. Xiang Cui, Lin Li,“Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields for the Thin Conductor Configuration in Power System”,Applied Electromagnetics (III), ISBN 4-931455-09-3,ISSN 1343-2869,Japan Society of applied Electromagnetics and mechanics,2001年5月。
28. 黄锐锋,李琳,高长征,地下电缆大地回路阻抗不同计算方法的比较,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2004年7月,pp88-90,(EI收录刊源)。
30.Huang ruifeng, Li Lin, General Analysis of Coupling Between the Urban Substation and Its Environment, IEEE EMC 2004 Symposium, 已录用,待发表。
31. 黄锐锋,李琳, 变电站接地网接地电阻近距离测量方法与系统开发,高电压技术,第30卷,第9期,2004年9月,pp27-29,
32. Huang ruifeng, Li Lin , A Novel Measurement System for Substation Grounding Resistance, 2003 亚太电磁兼容学术会议,p571-572,
33. Changzheng Gao, Li Lin Calculate the SE of wire structure Using NEC, Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics, Nov.4-7,2003, Hangzhou, China,p344-345.
34. Lin Li and Xiang Cui, Analysis of Property of shunt reactor with transformer function, proceedings of the fourth Asian symposium on applied electromagnetics, October, 22-25, 2003, Seoul, Korea, p430-435.
35. Xiang Cui, Huiqi Li and Lin Li, Finite Element Analysis of Shunt Reactors with Auxilary Windings, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 20, No. 3-4, 2004.(SCI收录)
36. Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, Lin Li and Jinliang He, “Parameter Estimation of Horizontal Mutilayer Earth by Complex Image Method”, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2005, pp1394-1401.
37. B. Zhang, X. Cui, Z. Zhao, J. He and L. Li, “Numerical Analysis of the influence Between Large Grounding Grids and Two-end Grounged Cables by the Moment Method Coupled With Circuit Equations”, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2005, pp731-737.
38. 钢筋网和钢筋混凝土屏蔽效能研究,电工技术学报,第20卷,第六期,2005年6月,pp35-40,(EI收录,准1)。
39. 焦超群, 李琳, 计算含窗薄壁腔体屏蔽效能的时域有限差分法,电波科学学报,2005,20(5):619-622(EI检索)
40. Chaoqun Jiao, Lin Li, Subcell FDTD Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness of a Thin-Walled Enclosure With an Aperture, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 1075-1078(SCI检索).
41. Chaoqun Jiao, Xiang Cui, and Lin Li, Improved Subcell Model of Thin Multilayer Material Sheet in FDTD Method, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): P935-938, (SCI收录).
42. 李琳,李丽娟,高长征, 电介质半空间中线结构导体电磁散射的直接时域分析方法, 华北电力大学学报,第34卷,第6期,pp1-5,18,2007年11月。
43. 李琳,V. A. Rakov, Distribution of Currents in the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building—Part II: Numerical Modeling, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 23, NO. 4, ,pp2447-2455, OCTOBER 2008.
44. 李丽娟,李琳,高长征,谷雪松,赵志斌, Numerical Treatment for Time Domain Integral Equations of Thin Wire Structures in Half-Space Configuration, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 44, NO. 6, pp774-777, JUNE 2008.
45. 赵志斌,崔翔,李琳,高长征, Analysis of Shielding Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using the Method of Moments, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 44, NO. 6, pp1474-1477, JUNE 2008.
46. 李琳,李丽娟,高长征,谷雪松, 电介质半空间两耦合线天线的时域积分方程法, 电波科学学报,第23卷,第3期,pp411-416,2008年6月。
47. Ruifeng Huang, Daming Zhang, and Lin Li, Analysis of Axially Symmetrical Coaxial Discontinuity Structures by Using Two-Dimensional Nonuniform Finite-Difference Frequency Domain Method, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 2008, pp1170-1173
48. 李琳,具有变压器功能的并联铁心电抗器特性分析与结构设计,华北电力大学学报,第36卷,第2期,pp1-5,2009年3月。
49. 李琳,李丽娟,高长征,赵志斌, Transient Response of Single or Coupled Wire Antennas Above Dielectric Half-space, 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, pp739-742, August, 2007.
50. 李琳,高长征,赵志斌, 黄红瑕, A Conjugate Gradient FFT Method for Wire Structure, 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, pp830-833, August, 2007.
51. 赵小军,李琳,程志光,鲁军伟,Harmonic analysis of the DC biased Epstein Frame-like core model by the Harmonic Balance Finite Element Method. 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, APEMC 2010, p 494-497, 2010. (EI)
52. 纪锋,李琳,刘刚,Calculation of Transient Electric Field of Converter Transformer under Polarity Reversal Voltage. The 14th biennial IEEE conference on electromagnetic field computation, Chicago, USA, May 9-12, 2010. (EI)
53. 黄红瑕,李琳,A Novel Time-Domain Electric Field Integral Equation of Thin Wire Structures in Lossy Half-Space. The 14th biennial IEEE conference on electromagnetic field computation, Chicago, USA, May 9-12, 2010. (EI)
54. 赵小军,李琳,程志光,鲁军伟,应用谐波平衡有限元法的变压器直流偏磁现象分析,中国电机工程学报,Vol. 30, No.21, 2010, pp103-108. (EI)
55. 纪锋,李琳,刘刚,油-纸绝缘结构瞬态电场计算的状态空间有限元法,中国电机工程学报,30(36),pp111-116, 2010.12。(EI)
56. 赵小军,李琳,程志光,鲁军伟,基于直流偏磁实验的叠片铁心磁化特性分析,电工技术学报,Vol. 26, No.1, 2011, pp7-13. (EI)。
57. 黄红瑕,李琳,赵志斌,变电站接地网雷电电磁场的快速算法,中国电机工程学报,31(12),pp114-119, 2011.04。(EI)
58. 赵小军,李琳,程志光,鲁军伟,定点谐波平衡有限元法与叠片铁心直流偏磁磁化特性研究,中国电机工程学报,31(9),pp126-132, 2011.03。(EI)
59. 齐秀君,李琳,王平,配电线路感应雷过电压计算,高电压技术,37(5),pp1093-1099,2011.05.
60. 纪锋,李琳,换流变压器极性反转试验的数值模拟,中国电机工程学报,31(18),pp107-112, 2011.06。(EI)
61. 刘刚,李琳,利用自适应时间步长有限元法计算换流变压器油纸绝缘结构瞬态电场,华北电力大学学报Vol. 38, No.1, 2011, pp17-20.
62. 赵小军,李琳,鲁军伟,程志光,Analysis of the DC bias phenomenon by the harmonic balance finite element method,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,VOL. 26, No. 1, pp475-485, January 2011. (SCI)
63. 刘刚,李琳等,Analysis of transient electric fields under two different polarity reversal voltages,IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference, Sept. 2011
64. 刘刚,李琳,纪锋,李文平等,基于节点电荷电位有限元法的油纸绝缘结构极性反转电场分析, 中国电机工程学报,31(25), 2011.09.
65. 刘刚,李琳,纪锋,李文平等, 油纸绝缘结构非线性交直流复合电场计算的定点频域有限元法, 中国电机工程学报,32(1), 2012.01.
66. 刘刚,李琳,纪锋,李文平等, 换流变压器极性反转非线性电场分析, 高电压技术,38(2),2012. 02.
67. 刘刚,李琳,纪锋,李文平等,Analysis of Transient Electric Field and Charge Density of Converter Transformer Under Polarity Reversal Voltage,IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol. 48, No. 2,2012. (SCI)
68. 赵小军,鲁军伟,李琳,程志光,Fixed point harmonic-balanced method for dc-biasing hysteresis analysis using the neural network and consuming function,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2012.11. (SCI)
69. 赵小军,李琳,鲁军伟,程志光,Analysis of the saturated electromagnetic devices under DC bias condition by the decomposed harmonic balance finite element method,COMPEL Vol. 31, No. 2, 2012. (SCI)
70. 赵小军,李琳,鲁军伟,程志光,Characteristics Analysis of the Square Laminated Core under dc-biased Magnetization by the Fixed-point Harmonic-balanced FEM,IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol. 48, No. 2,2012. (SCI)
71. 郝俊琪,李琳,王平,基于蒙特卡罗法的超高压输电线路绕击跳闸率的计算,华北电力大学学报,2012.09。
72. 喻伟,李琳,赵志斌,Analysis and design of series transformer, Applied Mechanics and materials, Vol.391, 2013.07
73. 张俊杰; 李琳; 刘兰荣; 范亚娜; B.Forghani; 程志光, 进入硅钢叠片内的漏磁通和附加损耗的模拟实验与仿真, 电工技术学报, 2013-05-26
74. 王晓燕; 程志光; 李琳, 改进的基于TEAM21模型杂散损耗测量和验证方法, 电工技术学报,2013-06-26
75. 陈浩; 李琳; 许正梅, 换流变压器铁心饱和型不稳定性预测, 电工技术学报,2013-06-26
76. 许磊; 李琳, 基于电网络理论的变电站接地网腐蚀及断点诊断方法, 电工技术学报,2013-10-26
77. 王平,李琳,R. A. Rakov,Calculation of Current Distribution in the Lightning Protective System of a Residential House,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,VOL. 50, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2014. (SCI)
78. Xiaojun Zhao, Lin Li, Zhiguang Cheng, Yuting Zhong, and Gang Liu, Harmonic Analysis of Nonlinear Magnetic Field Under Sin usoidal and DC-Biased Magnetizations by the Fixed-Point Method,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 51, NO. 3, March 2015. (SCI)
79. Guang Yang, Lin Li, Xile Zhang, Qing Jia, and Liqiang Liu, A Transient Model for Controlled Shunt Reactor Based on Duality Theory, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 51, NO. 3, March 2015. (SCI)
80. Xiaojun Zhao, Yuting Zhong, Oszkar Biro, Lin Li, Zhiguang Cheng, Dawei Guan, and Fanhui Meng, Computation and Analysis of DC-Biased Eddy Current Problems by an Efficient Fixed-Point Technique in the Harmonic Domain, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 51, NO. 11, November 2015. (SCI)
81. Ping Wang and Lin Li, Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Vicinity of the Lightning Channel, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 51, NO. 3, March 2015. (SCI)
82. 张宁,李琳, 基于ANSYS 仿真的绕组交叉换位对高频变压器损耗的影响分析, 电工电能新技术, Vol.34 No.10, 2015.10, pp76-80.
83. 谢裕清,李琳, 计算多介质电场节点场强的有限元-边界元法, 华北电力大学学报Vol. 43, No.4, 2016.07, pp21-26(41). doi: 10.3969 /j.ISSN.1007-2691.2016.04.04
84. 张宁, 李琳, 魏晓光, 非正弦激励下磁心损耗的计算方法及实验验证, 电工技术学报,Vol. 31, No.17, 2016.09, pp224-232. (EI)
85. 谢裕清,李琳,宋雅吾,王帅兵, 油浸式电力变压器绕组温升的多物理场耦合计算方法, 中国电机工程学报, Vol.36 No.21, 2016.11, pp5957-5965. (EI)
86. 谢裕清,李琳, 基于本征正交分解的换流变压器极性反转电场降阶模型,中国电机工程学报,36(23), 2016.12, pp6544-6551, (EI)
87. 李琳,谢裕清,刘刚,王帅兵, 油浸式电力变压器饼式绕组温升的影响因素分析, 电力自动化设备, Vol.36 No.12, 2016.12, pp83-88. (EI)
88. 王帅兵,李琳,谢裕清,赵国亮, 统一潮流控制器中串联耦合变压器特性及仿真模型研究, 电网技术, Vol. 41, No.2, 2017.02, pp551-557. (EI)
89. 陈彬,李琳,赵志斌, 一种考虑频变特性的大容量高频变压器漏电感解析计算方法, 中国电机工程学报,37(13), 2017.07, pp3928-3937, (EI)
90. 王帅兵,李琳,赵小军,谢裕清,蔡林海,定点时间周期有限元法及其在变压器直流偏磁特性分析中的应用,中国电机工程学报,37(17), 2017.09, pp5198-5205, (EI), DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161842
91. 李琳,李然,双频段磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统特性分析及实验验证,电工技术学报,Vol. 32, No.18, 2017.09, pp90-97. (EI),DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.L70360
92. 陈彬 李琳,赵志斌,双向全桥 DC-DC 变换器中大容量高频变压器绕组与磁心损耗计算,电工技术学报,Vol. 32, No.22, 2017.11, pp123-133. (EI),DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.L70640
93. 李磊,李琳,改进永磁饱和铁心型故障电流限制器及其等效电路模型,电网技术, Vol. 41, No.11, 2017.11, pp3685-3690. (EI)
94. 张鹏宁,李琳,纪锋,张娟娟,刘洋,HVDC 阳极饱和电抗器阻尼弹性体降振降噪试验研究,电网技术, Vol. 41, No.12, 2017.12, pp3839-3845. (EI)
95. Shuaibing Wang, Lin Li, Xiaojun Zhao, Yuqing Xie, Linhai Cai, Asymmetrical DC bias analysis of the no-load series transformer by using the TPFEM, IET Electric Power Applications, 2017, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, pp. 169–177. (SCI)
96. Yiran Yin1 , Lin Li1,Improved method to calculate the high frequency eddy currents distribution and loss in windings composed of round conductors,IET Power Electronics,2017, Vol. 10 Iss. 12, pp. 1494-1503. (SCI)
97. Shuaibing Wang,, Lin Li, Yuqing Xie and Guoliang Zhao, Electromagnetic characteristic analysis of the series transformer in UPFC system, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 53 (2017) 469–485 469, DOI 10.3233/JAE-160064 (SCI)
98. Shuaibing Wang, Lin Li, Xiaojun Zhao and Yuqing Xie, Fixed-point time-periodic FEM taking into account hysteresis characteristics of laminated core under DC bias, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 55 (2017) 289–300 289, DOI 10.3233/JAE-170056 (SCI)
99. Lei Li, Lin Li,A novel saturated open-core fault current limiter and its nonlinear magnetic circuit model,COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering,2017,Vol. 36 Issue: 6, pp.1739-1749, https://doi.org/10.1108/ COMPEL-12-2016-0575(SCI)
100. Yuqing Xie, Lin Li, Shuaibing Wang, (2017) "Model order reduction for quasi-magnetostatic problems", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 36 Issue: 6, pp.1783-1791, https://doi.org/10.1108/COMPEL-12-2016-0581(SCI)
101. Pengning Zhang, Lin Li, Vibration of saturable reactor core used in HVDC converter valve system, J. Eng., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 14, pp. 2584–2590, doi: 10.1049/joe.2017.0842. (EI)
102. BIN CHEN AND LIN LI, Semi-Empirical Model for Precise Analysis of Copper Losses in High-Frequency Transformers, IEEE Access, February 28, 2018, Vol.6, pp3655-3667(SCI)
103. Pengning Zhang and Lin Li, Vibration Properties of Two-Stage Magnetic-Valve Controllable Reactor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 54, NO. 3, MARCH 2018, 9400404, DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2763179(SCI)
104. Ren Liu and Lin Li, Simulated Annealing Algorithm Coupled With a Deterministic Method for Parameter Extraction of Energetic Hysteresis Model, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 54, 2018(SCI)
105. 田聪,李琳,宋雅吾等,并联电抗器铁心振动的模型实验与仿真研究,电工电能新技术, Vol.37 No.3, 2018.03, pp64-70.
106. 陈彬,李琳,赵志斌,张希蔚,张鹏宁,电感集成式大容量高频变压器精细化设计方法,中国电机工程学报,38(05), 2018.03, pp1356-1368, (EI)
107. 刘 任,李 琳, 基于损耗分离理论的非正弦激励磁心损耗计算方法研究, 电工电能新技术, Vol.37 No.9, 2018.09, pp1-9.
108. 肖彩霞, 李琳, 纪锋, 高冲, 特高压干式平波电抗器损耗与热点温升计算及试验研究, 高压电器, Vol.54,No.9, 2018.09,pp177-182.
109. 李琳, 王川陵, 一种开路形式的永磁饱和型故障电流限制器的温度场稳态分析, 高压电器, Vol.54,No.9, 2018.09,pp19-24.
110. 张鹏宁,李 琳,程志光,田 聪,刘 洋,并联电抗器与变压器模型铁心振动仿真与试验对比, 电工技术学报,Vol. 33, No.22, 2018.11, pp5273-5281. (EI).
111. Pengning Zhanga, Lin Li, Vibration and noise reduction of HVDC anode saturable reactor by polyurethane damping elastomer, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 58 (2018) 261–273.(SCI)
112. 赵越,李琳,刘任, 基于人工鱼群与Levenberg-Marquardt 混合算法的Jiles-Atherton 磁滞模型参数提取, 华北电力大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 45, No.6, 2018.11, pp21-27(51).
113. 刘洁苇,吕运强,李琳,陈彬, 高频变压器磁场和温度场的瞬态特性分析, 高电压技术, Vol.45(4),2019. 04,pp1191-1200,(EI), DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20181206015
114. 赵越,李琳,刘任,韩钰,刘洋, 基于损耗统计理论的动态J-A 磁滞模型, 电工电能新技术, Vol.38 No.5, 2019.05, pp90-96.
115. Pengning Zhang, Lin Li, Zhiguang Cheng, Cong Tian, and Yu Han, Study on Vibration of Iron Core of Transformer and ReactorBased on Maxwell Stress and Anisotropic Magnetostriction, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 55(2), February 2019(SCI).
116. 刘任, 李琳, 基于模拟退火与Levenberg-Marquardt 混合算法的Energetic 磁滞模型参数提取, 中国电机工程学报,39(03), 2019.02, pp875-884, (EI)
117. 刘 任,李 琳, 基于随机性与确定性混合优化算法的Jiles-Atherton 磁滞模型参数提取, 电工技术学报,Vol. 34, No.11, 2019.06, pp2260-2268. (EI).
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