贾科,男,1986年12月生。2007年在华北电力大学电力系统及其自动化专业获得学士学位,2008年、2012年在英国诺丁汉大学电力系统及其自动化专业获得硕士、博士学位,2013年6月英国诺丁汉大学博士后出站。2013年被聘为副教授,2019年晋升为教授,2019年被聘为博士生导师。国家级精品课程讲师,北京市优秀教学团队成员。入选第四届中国科协青年人才托举工程(2018年),担任IEEE PES 直流配电委员会常务理事(2018-),CIGRE B5-48 “短路电流受限的电网继电保护”工作组秘书(2013-),CIGRE B5/C4.61“低阻尼电网对于系统保护与控制影响”工作组联系人(2015-),《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》、《电力系统保护与控制》等国内外保护类期刊青年编委(2017-),应邀在“中国科学家论坛”、“保护与控制第六届青年专家学术会议”等会议做专题报告10次。
3. 学生获得荣誉
1. 科技部智能电网技术与装备重点专项,2018YFB0904104,“含高比例分布式光伏的直流配电系统控制、保护和运行技术”,2018.07-2021.06,630万,任务(课题)负责人。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,E51777071,“基于故障暂态波形时频特征的柔性直流配电网保护与故障定位”,2018.01-2021.12,55万,项目负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,E51407067,“含分布式电源配电网络在线故障定位研究”,2015.01-2017.12,25万,项目负责人。
4. 中国科协青年人才托举工程,2018QNRC001,“交直流混合配电网保护”,2018.01-2020.12,45万,负责人。
5. 中国电机工程学会“青年人才托举”工程,JLB-2016-63,“规模化新能源电源集中防孤岛技术”,2016.01-2017.12,10万,项目负责人。
6. 国家重点实验室开放课题重大项目,LAPS2016-02,“规模化电力电子装置渗透下柔性直流电网故障特性与保护”,2016.01-2017.12,50万,项目负责人。
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目,2016ZZD01,“直流电网保护与故障处理基础理论与关键技术”,2016.04-2017.12,100万,项目负责人。
8. 科技部智能电网技术与装备重点专项课题,2016YFB090020,“光伏直流升压汇集接入系统控制保护技术”,2016.07-2020.06,476万,课题研究骨干。
9. 科技部智能电网技术与装备重点专项课题,2016YFB0900503,“高可靠交直流混合配电网关键技术研究与示范”,2016.07-2020.12,113万,课题研究骨干。
10. 国家973课题,2012CB215206,“基于广域信息的复杂电网保护与安全控制”,2012.1-2016.8,345万,骨干研究人员。
11. 国家863课题,2012AA050208 “适应大规模间歇式电源接入的电网保护控制技术”,2012.1-2014.12,665万,骨干研究人。
1. 新疆自治区人民政府,2019年,分布式新能源接入下的配电网安全防控关键技术研究与应用,新疆自治区科技进步三等奖,排名3
2. 国网北京经济技术研究院,2017年3月,柔性变电站二次系统技术方案研究,国网北京经济技术研究院科技进步三等奖,排名5
3. 内蒙古自治区电力行业协会,2017年4月,大型风电送出线路保护适应性分析及保护新算法研究,内蒙古自治区电力职工技术成果二等奖,排名10
[1] Ke Jia*, Edward Christopher, David Thomas, Mark Sumner and Tianshu Bi, “Advanced DC zonal marine power system protection,” IET Generation Transmission & Distribution .Vol. 8(2). pp. 301-309, February. 2014.
[2] Ke Jia, Tianshu Bi, Bohan Liu, David Thomas, Andrew Goodman, “Advanced Islanding Detection Utilized in Distribution Systems with DFIG,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 63(12). pp. 113-123, December. 2014.
[3] Ke Jia*, Tianshu Bi, Bohan Liu, E. Christopher, D.W.P. Thomas, and M. Sumner, “Marine Power Distribution System Fault Location Using a Portable Injection Unit,” IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 30(2). pp. 818-826, February. 2015.
[4] Ke Jia*, Zhefeng Ren, Tianshu Bi and Qixun Yang, “Ground Fault Location Using the Low-Voltage-Side Recorded Data in Distribution Systems,” IEEE Trans on Industry Applications, Vol. 51(6). pp. 4994-5001, Dec. 2015.
[5] Ke Jia*, Tianshu Bi, Wei L and, Qixun Yang, “Ground fault distance protection for paralleled trans mission lines,” IEEE Trans on Industry Applications, Vol. 51(6). pp. 5228-5236, Dec. 2015.
[6] Ke Jia, Meng Li, Tianshu Bi and Qixun Yang, “A voltage resonance-based single-ended online fault location algorithm for DC distribution networks,” Science China Technological Sciences, 2016,59(5):721-729.
[7] Ke Jia*, Hongsheng Wei, Tianshu Bi, David Thomas and Mark Sumner, An Islanding Detection Method for Multi-DG Systems Based on High Frequency Impedance Estimation, IEEE Trans on Sustainable energy, Vol 8, pp. 74-83, Jan. 2017.
[8] Ke Jia*, Yiru Chen, Tianshu Bi, Yaoqi Lin David Thomas and Mark Sumner, Historical-Data-Based Energy Management in a Microgrid With a Hybrid Energy Storage System, IEEE Trans on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 13(5). pp. 2597-2605, Oct. 2017.
[9] Ke Jia, Zhefeng Ren, Lun Li, Zhenwen Xuan and David Thomas, High-frequency transient comparison based fault location in distribution systems with DGs, IET Generation & Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 11(16). pp. 4068-4077, Nov. 2017.
[10] Ke Jia, Chenjie Gu, Tianshu Bi and David Thomas, Sparse Voltage Amplitude Measurement Based Fault Location in Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants, Applied Energy, Vol. 211. pp. 568-581, Feb. 2018.
[11] Ke Jia*, Zhefeng Ren, Tianshu Bi and Mark Sumner, High frequency impedance based fault location in distribution system with DGs, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, Vol. 9(2).pp. 807-816, Mar. 2018.
[12] Ke Jia*, Chenjie Gu, Zhenwen Xuan, Lun Li and Yaoqi Lin, Fault Characteristics Analysis and Line Protection Design within a Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plant, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, Vol 9(5), pp. 4099-4108, Sept. 2018.
[13] Ke Jia , Yanbin Li, Yu Fang , Liming Zheng , Tianshu Bi and Qixun Yang , Transient Current Similarity Based Protection for Wind Farm Transmission lines, Applied Energy, 225: 42-51,2018.
[14] Ke Jia, Rui Chen, Zhenwen Xuan, Zhe Yang, Yu Fang, Tianshu Bi, Fault Characteristics and Protection Adaptability Analysis in VSC-HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Farm Integration System, IET Renewable Power Generation ,Vol. 12(13).pp. 1547-1554, Oct, 2018.
[15] Ke Jia, Congbo Wang, Tianshu Bi, Rui Zhu and Zhenwen. Xuan, Transient Current Waveform Similarity Based Protection for Flexible DC Distribution System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2891457, Early Access.
[16] Ke Jia, Zhe Yang, Yu Fang, Tianshu Bi and Mark Sumner. Influence of Inverter-interfaced Renewable Energy Generators on Directional Relay and an Improved Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2904715, Early Access.
[17] Ke Jia, Rui Zhu, Tianshu Bi, Qijuan Zhao, Congbo Wang and Zhenwen Xuan. Fuzzy-Logic-Based Active Protection for Photovoltaic DC Power Plant, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2907115, Early Access.
[18] Ke Jia, Qijuan Zhao, Tao Feng and Tianshu Bi. Distance Protection Scheme for DC Distribution Systems Based on the High Frequency Characteristics of Faults, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2909130 , Early Access.
[19] Ke Jia, Tao Feng, Qijuan Zhao, Congbo Wang and Tianshu Bi. High Frequency Transient Sparse Measurement-Based Fault Location for Complex DC Distribution Networks, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2019.2921301, Early Access.
[20] Ke Jia, Zhenwen Xuan, Tao Feng, Congbo Wang Tianshu Bi and David Thomas. Transient High-frequency Impedance Comparison Based Protection for Flexible DC Distribution Systems, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2019.2921387, Early Access.
[21] Ke Jia, Bin Yang, Xiongying Dong, Tao Feng, Tianshu Bi and David Thomas, "Sparse Voltage Measurement-Based Fault Location Using Intelligent Electronic Devices", EEE Transactions on Smart Grid, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2019.2916819, Early Access.
[22] Ke Jia, Congbo Wang, Tianshu Bi, Zhenwen Xuan, Rui Zhu, "Transient Current Curvature Based Protection for Multi-terminal Flexible DC Distribution Systems", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, DOI: 10.1049/ iet-gtd.2018.5152, Early Access.
[23] Ke Jia, Jinfeng Chen, Zhenwen Xuan, Congbo Wang and Tianshu Bi, "Active Protection for Photovoltaic DC Boosting Integration System During FRT", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.0540, Early Access.
[24] Yu Fang, Ke Jia, Zhe Yang, Yanbin Li and Tianshu Bi, Impact of Inverter-Interfaced Renewable Energy Generators on Distance Protection and an Improved Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 7078-7088, Sept. 2019.
[25] Meng Li, Ke Jia, Tianshu Bi and Qixun Yang, Sixth Harmonic-based fault location for VSC-DC Distribution Systems, IET Generation & Transmission and Distribution, 2017 ,11(14):3485-3490.
[26] Sumei Liu, Tianshu Bi, Ke Jia, Qixun Yang, Coordinated fault-ride-through strategy for doubly-fed induction generators with enhanced reactive and active power support, IET Renew. Power Gener., Vol. 10(2).pp. 203–211, February. 2016.
[27] Tianshu Bi, Shuai Wang and Ke Jia, Single Pole-to-Ground Fault Location Method for MMC-HVDC System Using Active Pulse, IET Generation & Transmission and Distribution Vol. 12(2). pp. 272-278. January, 2018.
[28] Ke Jia* , David Thomas and Mark Sumner, “A New Single-Ended Fault-Location Scheme for Utilization in an Integrated Power System,” IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 28(1). pp. 38-46, January. 2013.
[29] Ke Jia*, David Thomas and Mark Sumner, “A New Double-Ended Fault-Location Scheme for Utilization in Integrated Power Systems,” IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 28(2). pp. 594-603, April. 2013.
[30] Ke Jia*, David Thomas and Mark Sumner, “Impedance Based Earth Fault Location for a Non-Directly Grounded Distribution Systems,” IET Generation Transmission & Distribution. Vol. 6(12). pp. 1272-1280. December, 2012.
[31] 贾科,陈奕汝,毕天姝. 微网中储能系统的能量管控方法[J],电机工程学报,2016,36(10):2665-2673.
[32] 贾科,郇凯翔,魏宏升,毕天姝,何国庆. 适用于多机集群的外部集中扰动式阻抗测量孤岛检测法[J],电工技术学报,2016,31(13):120-129.
[33] 贾科,顾晨杰,毕天姝,陈奕汝,任哲锋. 基于压缩感知技术的大型光伏电站汇集系统故障定位研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2017,37(12):3480-3489+3676.
[34] 贾科,顾晨杰,毕天姝,魏宏升,杨奇逊. 大型光伏电站汇集系统的故障特性分析及其线路保护研究[J]. 电工技术学报,2017,32(09):189-198.
[35] 贾科,魏宏升,李晨曦,林瑶琦,刘搏晗,何国庆. 基于SVG功率因数调节的光伏电站集中孤岛检测法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2017,41(06):92-97+112.
[36] 贾科,李猛,毕天姝,王聪博,祁欢欢,杨奇逊. 柔性直流配电线路能量分布差动保护[J]. 电网技术. 2017,41(9):3058-3065
[37] 贾科,宣振文,李论,王聪博,李猛,刘颖. 直流故障下VSC换流器本体馈流过程分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2018,38(10):2883-2892+3139.
[38] 贾科,宣振文,林瑶琦,魏宏升,李光辉. 基于Adaboost算法的并网光伏发电系统的孤岛检测法[J]. 电工技术学报,2018,33(05):1106-1113.
[39] 贾科,林瑶琦,陈奕汝,毕天姝,刘搏晗. 基于储能实时修正双环控制的微电网能量管理方法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2018,42(14):131-138.
[40] 贾科,宣振文,李晨曦,王聪博,李猛,毕天姝. 柔性直流配网中基于暂态高频阻抗比较的方向纵联保护[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2018,38(18):5343-5351.
[41] 贾科,王聪博,毕天姝,朱瑞,李猛,李晨曦. 考虑过渡电阻影响的柔性直流配电系统电流突变量保护[J].电网技术,2018,42(10):3187-3196.
[42] 贾科,宣振文,朱正轩,杨哲,毕天姝,刘颖. 光伏直流升压接入系统故障穿越协同控保方法[J]. 电网技术,2018,42(10):3249-3258.
[43] 贾科,汪执雅,戴明,毕天姝,李晨曦,张弛. 分布式光伏接入对110kV主变中性点电压的影响分析[J]. 电力自动化设备,2018(11):181-186.
[44] 贾科,朱瑞,毕天姝,王聪博,宣振文,李晨曦. 基于单端暂态信号量测的柔性直流汇集系统主动保护[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2019,39(06):1572-1581+1854.
[45] 贾科,李论,宣振文,李猛,李晨曦. 基于扰动注入的柔性直流配电网主动故障定位及其仿真研究[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2019,47(04):99-106.
[46] 贾科,冯涛,赵其娟,等. 基于单端暂态电流和差比的柔性直流配电系统断线保护[J]. 电力系统自动化,2019,43(08):150-161.
[47] 贾科,朱正轩,杨哲,方煜,毕天姝. 基于改进的Adaboost算法的光伏发电机组智能孤岛检测方法[J]. 电网技术,2019,43(04):1227-1238.
[48] 贾科,李论,杨哲,赵冠琨,毕天姝. 基于贝叶斯压缩感知理论的配网故障定位研究[J/OL].中国电机工程学报:1-11 [2019-07-07].https://doi.org/10.13334/j.0258-8013. pcsee.180705.
[49] 贾科,朱瑞,毕天姝,等. 光伏直流并网系统控保协同故障区段辨识方法[J].电网技术:1-11[2019-07-07]. https://doi.org/10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2018.2911.
[50] 贾科,赵其娟,王聪博,朱瑞,宣振文,毕天姝. 柔性直流配电系统线路保护与定值整定[J].电力系统自动化:1-8[2019-07-07]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1180. TP.20190428. 1135.018.html.
[51] 贾科,杨哲,赵其娟,朱正轩,郑黎明,毕天姝. 适用于新能源场站送出线路的高频突变量距离保护[J/OL].电网技术:1-10[2019-07-07]. https://doi.org/10.13335/j.1000-3673. pst.2019.0579
[52] 贾科,赵其娟,冯涛,赵冠琨,毕天姝. 柔性直流配电系统高频突变量距离保护[J]. 电工技术学报(已录用)
[53] 贾科,杨哲,朱正轩,郑黎明,毕天姝. 基于电流幅值比的逆变型新能源场站送出线路T接纵联保护[J],电力自动化设备(已录用)
[54] 贾科,冯涛,赵其娟,王聪博,毕天姝. 基于故障高频电压稀疏量测的直流配电网双极短路故障定位[J]. 电力系统自动化(已录用)
[55] 李猛,贾科,毕天姝,等. 适用于直流配电网的测距式保护[J]. 电网技术,2016,40(3):719-724.
[56] 毕天姝,王帅,贾科. 基于短时能量的多端柔性直流单极接地故障线路识别方法[J].电网技术,2016,4(3):689-695
[57] 王帅,毕天姝,贾科. 基于小波时间熵的 MMC-HVDC 架空线路单极接地故障检测方法[J]. 电网技术,2016,40(07):2179-2185.
[58] 毕天姝,李猛,贾科,等. 直流配电网保护技术评述[J]. 南方电网技术,2016,10(3):53-58.
[59] 黄少锋,刘欣,王洪敏,贾科. 混压同塔四回线跨电压故障的短路计算[J]电机工程学报,2016,36(04):993-1001.
[60] 李彦宾,贾科,毕天姝,等. 电流差动保护在逆变型新能源场站送出线路中的适应性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2017,41(12):100-105.
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